Think you are wrong. SSD's are in essence very large flash drives. They are not mechanical; hence their speed increase. "Limit writes??" Yes, absolutely. Writes wear out this cells. Reads of the [chosen, fixed] cells are "!!FREE!!".

I could be very wrong, but this is what I get from the List Memebers playing with them. JMHO.

On 01/13/2010 18:25, Winterlight wrote:

That doesn't make sense. First these are hard drives... not flash
drives. Limit writes??... what kind of hard drive is that. People
typically put their OS on these and pagefile.sys defaults to the C drive.

At 02:28 PM 1/13/2010, you wrote:
Bad idea, you want to LIMIT writes to those,
but if you could afford to wear it out, go for it.
It would be faster than a SwapFile on an HD.
Intel has a white paper on this IIRC.
(I don't have any but might have stored the whitepaper.)

Rick Glazier

----- Original Message ----- From: "Winterlight"
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 2:32 PM
Subject: [H] SSD question

I don't want to pop for a larger SSD right now, but I am thinking of
getting a 30GB OCZ just to try out, maybe use it for video editing,
game install. I am wondering how well this might work out for a
pagefile.sys file? How close is it to RAM speeds?

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