I use the term pagefile and swap file interchangeably. I thought they were
just newer and older names for the same thing. The classic form of
"inovation" by MS where they use a different name for the same thing.
I guess that is so they can tell what version (etc?) you are using.

I used to keep my swap file off "C", but I move drives around too much,
and then the better Imaging programs started knowing they did not
need to keep them in the Image, so I moved it back to "C" which I
also made bigger for it..

I did not really "get" what your reservations were. Sorry.

Rick Glazier

----- Original Message ----- From: "DSinc"
That is a good point, but you focus on "swap files." Think this is a bad focus.
Yes, RAM is relatively cheap now. Way back when not so.
Yes, hard drives are still relatively cheap now. (I think.)
Way back when I still recall all the list traffic about who's using who's HD..... :) The "swap file" issue is just how MS decided to deal with all the possible combination's of RAM vs. HD that all of us really used. Well, and their own bogus programming too!
A simple way to market their product to the masses (us).
The "wise guys" learned how to park the "swap file" somewhere other than C:. Too bad M$ does not give us a choice where the "Windows" swap file lives....... :( I have thought about moving my "swap file(s)" for that past 10yrs. I have not yet moved one of them!
Perhaps I will if/when I dabble with Win7...... :)

On 01/13/2010 19:30, Rick Glazier wrote:
Maybe one old idea we need to keep is that hard drives are for storage.
Swap files are for when RAM was expensive.

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