I said something similar first time one of mine fell off,
OVER A YEAR LATTER, and only because I heard
of the problem and yanked it off VERY easily.
Mine jambed IN THE HOLES, instead of catching the
pin lip on the edge of the hole on the opposite side.
(I was lucky the holes fit so well...)

I asked on another list. (Thanks Carl if you are here...)
I was told to make sure EACH corner locks correctly.
Diagonal first, and then the other 90* diagonal.

You have to use EXCESSIVE FORCE,  and YES the
MB will flex and bulge and bend around the CPU.
The noises will scare you to death.

BAD DESIGN?????     (I have to stop now before
I get REALLY agitated <grin>...)

When doing this, I pull the MB, and use ridged support
DIRECTLY  under (and around)  the post I'm working on.
There is "no-way" you can do this on the case stand-offs...

Note: I think my CPU socket sat too  high.
That would be a REAL problem with this design.

Rick Glazier

----- Original Message ----- From: "Anthony Q. Martin"
Now what do you do? There must be a better way?

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