I had two Geforce 8800GTS 640MB PCI-E cards in SLI in my system which was built about 3 years ago. About 4 months ago one went bonkers, probably overheated, so I removed it and am now running with just the other one. I play a lot of Team Fortress 2 online and after a recent Steam update I was getting some strange artifacting in the game and now am having trouble staying connected, and often the game and the computer freeze and I have to reboot. Oddly enough, the card seems to work fine under all other conditions and apps such as internet, DVD movie playing etc, but when playing TF2 online it goes nuts.

So I'm thinking it may be about to go and I should consider replacing it. I haven't shopped for video cards in 3 years. I have an EVGA nForce 6801 SLI board and Core2 x6800 2.93G CPU, running XP Media Edition.

What would you folks recommend for replacement video cards? I would probably stick with an SLI configuration unless a single ATI card comparably priced would blow it away.


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