Yes. I recall Cat3.
No. I have not tried splitting any feeds. There are 8 phone wires (lines) coming out of the crawl-space to the NID. I only have (had) 4 active phone jacks (I do not use the jack in the master bedroom). Well, 4 + the ADT system. But the ADT system has its' own dedicated line to the NID.

The area at the NID looks like a bucket of snakes! The ATT guy gave me the two Cat5-color-code wires to allow me to reconnect my home. The ATT guy connected the ADT system.......he said he had to by law. OK.

OK. It is mid-20'sF - mid-30'sF ATM. I do not do cold well! Much less, playing in the confined area of my crawl space. OK. Rate me a wimp! Call me lazy! Besides, I am not a phone expert.

The old wiring looks like it went in ~1965. I bought the home in 2003. The 9-10ft of external exposed phone-line(s) has dried-out, cracked casing. Most of the internal copper lines look corroded/bad. Plus I do see evidence that some non-pro "weekend warrior" has been into/at the phone lines in years past.
This has been a home upgrade project of mine since 2003.

I have no problem paying to yank out the old stuff and running new lines. Well, if I am allowed to do what I'd like to end up with.
I'll start a new thread to seek guidance of my current plan/thoughts.

On 02/11/2010 08:40, FORC5 wrote:
overkill is good but when I wired my new shop I used cat 3 for the phone.

At 06:02 AM 2/11/2010, Rick Glazier Poked the stick with:
For normal in-house wiring to ONLY PHONES Cat-5 or 6 is a little over-kill.
That might be hard to find though and I never priced it.
I'm still using the old ATT 4 wire stuff. I bought a 1000' spool of it.

My house was "pre-wired" when built with a 6 or 8 wire cable.
The painters for the seller damaged the cable and shoved it in a wall
and buried it by patching over it solid with plaster.
I have the proper tools to find that sort of thing.

Have you tried splitting your "feeds" (inside the house) and seeing
which section has "trouble"?
It is odd that damage occurred, and it would never<?>  involve the entire
system and EVERY run of wire.

OTOH, it is like formatting a computer. Sometimes a "clean sweep"
is better or easier. My wires are 100% "fished", so I have a very
hybrid system of wiring...

Rick Glazier

From: "DSinc" Phone-internal?
I now appears that my homes internal phone wiring has died. I have to replace it.  I 
remain active via a long "phone cord" thru a window to the TSID (NID box).
What I read says I need to request Cat5/Cat6 replacement wiring. OK!
Believe/think my current wiring is old 4-wire single copper line. I have read up about 
the "cross-talk" issues in 4-wire systems.
Question: Is current Cat5/Cat6 internal wire single filament or 
multiple-filament type cable?

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