This video article is old but it's a pretty good review of the technology and how it's hooked up and Catalyst is setup. Good luck and let us know about your experience if you decide to do it.

On 2/11/2010 4:34 PM, Bino Gopal wrote:
Hey Stan,

Not sure I understand what you mean by "I don't think 1600x1200 will cut it
but it's possible"...?  Are you trying to say that's too many pixels or the
reverse...? *confused*

In my case, the monitors are 20" Dell flat-panel LCDs, two 2001FPs and one
2007FP and I read you can use a Displayport-DVI converter and it should
work...unless you have heard differently?


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Stan Zaske
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [H] Replacing 2 Geforce 8800 GTS in SLI, what to get?

One of the monitors must have a Display Port connection and I'm not sure
the adapter situation is straight just yet. Also, I don't think
1600x1200 will cut it but it's possible. What are they? Cathode ray?

On 2/10/2010 6:11 PM, Bino Gopal wrote:
Don't know if you're into it, but I've been eyeing the Matrix
for months (years?) now and I just read that the new 5xxx series from ATI
does Eyefinity, which is basically the equivalent of that Matrox device,
BUILT-IN to the videocard, and that most games are supporting it
the game sees it as just one really big monitor resolution).

So I got a 4830 ~1.5 years ago for $90 for my old PC, but if I upgrade
again, I'm going with an ATI 5xxx series for the multi-monitor support;
got 3 20" panels that run at 1600x1200 and I'm itching to do an RTS on all
three; check out the guru3d review:

The videos (especially of RTS like CoH and Anno 1404, etc) are freakin'
amazing!  The ability to do that in digital output at my native monitor
with no issues of support for my card (all issues with the TH2GO) makes me
glad I waited this long and didn't get the TH2GO (and some of ATI cards
less than the TH2GO itself!).  In fact, the newly announced 5570 (which is
their lowest/budget gaming card) is only $70 and can do this too; so if
step up to a 58xx series (since it's in your budget), you should be


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Veech
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: [H] Replacing 2 Geforce 8800 GTS in SLI, what to get?

ok I forgot to mention that my budget is around $300, and I see the ATI
is available for that from NewEgg, any opinions?

----- Original Message -----
From: "James Boswell"<>
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 02:16
Subject: Re: [H] Replacing 2 Geforce 8800 GTS in SLI, what to get?

the 8800GT has 112 shaders
the 8800GTS320/640 has 96 shaders
the 8800GTS512 has 128 shaders

the GTS250 has 128 shaders, and has had a die shrink so it's cooler  and
the clocks are a chunk higher, it's the one to get if you want an  nvidia
card of that level IMO

OR look at a radeon 4890, which will be around the same performance

(I think) as your pair of 8800GTS's were and use a hell of a lot  less
power... or even a 5770, which is a little slower (10% or so)  than the
4890 but runs cooler and has DX11 support for whenever you  eventually

off of XP

On 8 Feb 2010, at 08:06:310, Veech wrote:

I'm thinking two of these 8800 GTs in SLI would work just fine..
opinions? Seems like they might spec higher than the two GTS cards  even
though they have 512MB RAM as opposed to 640MB on the GTS cards.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Veech"<>
Sent: Sunday, February 07, 2010 23:28
Subject: [H] Replacing 2 Geforce 8800 GTS in SLI, what to get?

I had two Geforce 8800GTS 640MB PCI-E cards in SLI in my system  which
was built about 3 years ago.  About 4 months ago one went  bonkers,
probably overheated, so I removed it and am now running  with just the
other one.  I play a lot of Team Fortress 2 online  and after a recent
Steam update I was getting some strange  artifacting in the game and

am having trouble staying  connected, and often the game and the
computer freeze and I have to  reboot.  Oddly enough, the card seems to
work fine under all other  conditions and apps such as internet, DVD
movie playing etc, but  when playing TF2 online it goes nuts.

So I'm thinking it may be about to go and I should consider  replacing
it. I haven't shopped for video cards in 3 years.  I have  an EVGA
nForce 6801 SLI board and Core2 x6800 2.93G CPU, running XP  Media

What would you folks recommend for replacement video cards?  I  would
probably stick with an SLI configuration unless a single ATI  card
comparably priced would blow it away.


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