5.9 sounds like the HDD speed bringing you down. My now aging Q6600 gives me that much, with the rest of the system rating 7.1.

It's been awhile since I've transcoded DVD but 27min sounds on the high side unless the GPU is not playing a role.

On 5/9/2010 3:18 PM, Stan Zaske wrote:
Well, I got my 1055T yesterday and with the latest Gigabyte BIOS it was
recognized just fine and Vista gives me a 5.9 on performance. CoolNQuiet
is enabled and AMD Turbo Core may or may not work as I've not placed
that big a load on it yet. I'm crunching down a 7.5 gig DVD movie to 700
MB's and it's ETA is 27 minutes. All 6 cores are being used and
processor usage is around 50 %. Default vcore is 1.2750 at 2.8 GHz and I
haven't tried overclocking because frankly I'm not interested. It's fast
enough as it is but most people are reporting 4.2 GHz stable on air
cooling with 1.5 or 1.55 volts. Real nice so far and I couldn't be more


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