I use both Chrome and Firefox myself. Chrome is definitely targeted less in 
attacks and overall has not had many issues. It has a nice feature with 
incognito mode which should be used for almost all browsing unless you are 
going to gmail, facebook, etc. But if you are googling stuff and clicking links 
and have no idea where you may be going then incognito is a nice feature to be 
using. I would say at this point in time Chrome is the safest browser to be 
using because of the number of attacks targeting it as well as the number of 
security holes that have been found are low. Also with the silent updates it's 
very hard to be running an out of date version of it which is the biggest issue 
with exploits. Also chrome definitely has the speed and footprint advantage 
from my personal experience. Closing tabs and having the processes go away and 
release memory is a lot nicer than firefox's behavior. Tom's hardware did a 
nice comparison of browsers 

Limewire is very bad for security reasons just because its so easy to download 
something like a song and in fact it’s a Trojan. Not sure if the software 
itself is insecure but with torrents these days I see no need for limewire.

Sr. Security Researcher
Websense Security Labs

-----Original Message-----
From: hardware-boun...@hardwaregroup.com 
[mailto:hardware-boun...@hardwaregroup.com] On Behalf Of Thane Sherrington
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 11:29 AM
To: hardware@hardwaregroup.com
Subject: Re: [H] Google chrome ?

At 03:16 PM 13/05/2010, FORC5 wrote:
>Son put Google chrome in his system. pretty peppy but how secure is it ?
>Updated his security sw just in case. Also installed Limewire. I 
>have always been leery of this sharing stuff and too old to change. 
>seen way too many problems over the years ( made lot of $$$ because 
>of it) but I have been thinking lately operator error more then sw error.

If you're putting Limewire on a machine, then I wouldn't worry about 
how secure the browser is.  From my reading Chrome is pretty secure, 
but a lot of that is due to security through obscurity, rather than 
secure code.  It wasn't hacked at Pwn2Own, but from the interviews I 
read, that was just because the hackers knew more about Safari, IE, 
and Firefox.


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