Surprisingly, WinAmp must have read my question.
It now pops up a small, expandable to full-screen, window.
Perhaps I can now dump WMP11?
But, still miss the switch about app preference......

On 05/14/2010 23:05, Richard Quilhot wrote:
You can deselect the file type that WinAmp will play.
Options->Preferrances->File Types
uncheck those you don't want WinAmp to play.

Richard E. Quilhot C.N.A.

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 11:01 PM, DSinc<>  wrote:

Recently I let my BIL con me into loading WinAmp V5.572.
It was required (?) to get to his 'favorite' music stop, (also
via ShoutCast?).

Anyway. Somehow WinAmp seems to have taken over all things audio and video.
Sort of nice; I can kill my kludge CD Player from W2K!!!!
Is there any way to throttle WinAmp back to "Just here if/when needed"???

Trying to launch WMP from the NASA web site gets me a big black window!

I have crawled through both WinAmp and WMP and can NOT find anything like
the "Browser" Preference Switch..............

Atlantis is UP and I'd like to watch again in full screen.......

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