I still use xDSL. Soon I will move to FIOS. Well, as I get smarter and answer my ?many? questions (another thread in play!)

I am beginning (again) to have trouble with my xDSL connection. I suspect someone local (or ?) keeps camping out on my assigned IP addy from my ISP so that they can just dick with my xDSL modem or my Router.

I know I have my xDSL modem set to a "bridge" mode. I suspect this makes it a straight wire connection to my Router's WAN port.

I think I have my Router as |strong| as I currently comprehend its' directions.

Turns out, I have to save Router logs and reboot the Router about every 3-7 days to recover a semi-firm connection. The Router is a DLink DGL-4300. All wireless is disabled. I use wired LAN only.

Is this possible? Do not know why someone local chooses to pick on me? I will suppose giggles and laughs for the present! This is the same view to me as past electrical storm interference I had with an older (retired) xdsl modem.

Yes, I do NOT KNOW that I might already have an internal "baddie" in play; other than every scanner I have used comes up negative.

Thought? Suggestions? Ideas?

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