At 04:30 PM 04/03/2013, Christopher Fisk wrote:
There is a serious problem that needs to be addressed by Microsoft if there
is this big of a need for a start menu on windows 8.

Ballmer has lost his mind or is over his head and it's going to hurt MS. The beauty of the 95 --> 98 --> ME --> XP --> Vista --> 7 path was that you really didn't have to relearn much of the interface. Win8 requires complete retraining. Why not consider a tablet, or a Mac, or a Chrome OS machine if you have to re-learn anyway? Stupidest move MS has ever
made, and it's made some stupid moves over the years.

They should have just started charging for Windows updates (say $5 a year) once your OS was two years old back with XP, and they could make the money they needed without forcing upgrades


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