I am also not clear how written in stone these UALA's are.
In the distant past going w98 to XP I initiated the install and only had to put a win98 cd in the drive to verify.

like I said, not sure about now. since <:-| clean is generally always better. That could be easily tested I think. Unhook the old drive are test it to the SSD.

At 02:52 AM 8/25/2013, Winterlight Poked the stick with:
Back in December, when Microsoft had the promotional for Win 8, I bought a couple of Windows 8 Pro upgrades... one with the download and one with a DVD. I haven't used them yet, but plan on doing so with my upcoming new build. I have read about the upgrade process, and the new rules that require a running previous version that will loose it's license, but I am not clear on some the details. Can someone who has actually done this explain a few things.

Say you have Windows 7 running on a hard drive. You put a new SSD in the computer, and install Windows 8 telling it to install on the SSD.

Will Win 8 install clean and allow you to switch the boot drive to the SSD during the install process?

Does Win 8 install remove the qualifying version from the hard drive so you can't dual boot?

Will your previous Windows 7 key now be void even if it is a retail Windows 7 Professional key?

I have an old Vista and XP key that I could install and use to meet this requirement, if I have to, but I want to be clear on exactly how it works.

Date:  Sunday, August 25th, 2013

       ***Caution, Tagline Below ***
  Imagination without learning is having
            wings but no feet.

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