To your first question yes, what you will get after install is the Windows
bootloader. W8 will be the default OS unless you change it. It will install
where you want. Partitioning utilities are adequate in W8.

No, you'll be able to dual boot. Currently I'm running 7, 8, and 8.1.

I've not noted a problem with 7 since 8 and 8.1 have been on-board.

I've found that the upgrade disks differ from 7 and Vista. In 8 you have to
have a qualifying OS installed or 8 won't install. Literally on a bare metal
system, to run the upgrade for 8 I had to install 7 only to let 8 blow it

Vincent Winterling
Vineland, NJ 

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Winterlight
Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2013 5:53 AM
Subject: [H] Win 8 upgrade

Back in December, when Microsoft had the promotional for Win 8, I 
bought a couple of  Windows 8 Pro upgrades... one with the download 
and one with a DVD. I haven't used them yet, but plan on doing so 
with my upcoming new build. I have read about the upgrade process, 
and the new rules that require a running previous version that will 
loose it's license, but I am not clear on some the details. Can 
someone who has actually done this explain a few things.

Say you have Windows 7 running on a hard drive. You put a new SSD  in 
the computer, and install Windows 8 telling it to install on the SSD.

Will Win 8 install clean and allow you to switch the boot drive to 
the SSD during the install process?

Does Win 8 install remove the qualifying version from the hard drive 
so you can't dual boot?

Will your previous Windows 7 key now be void even if it is a retail 
Windows 7 Professional key?

I have an old Vista and XP key that I could install and  use to meet 
this requirement,  if I have to, but I want to be clear on exactly 
how it works.

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