All of my Brother's LAN clients appear to be: WORKGROUP=MSHOME. Is this an OS default? I do know how to change this value. And, all of my Brother's clients are set to get their network specs
automatically - the MS Default (like from his router). Fine.

When he brings his laptop to my home once a year, he can somehow get to the internet via my router, but he can not get to any of my other LAN services/PC's//appliances. Odd. I used to admin his laptop 'into' my LAN, but this
never really fixed everything. Confusing?

Is WORKGROUP= ? a router DHCP assigned value?
I have recently turned on my router's DHCP server, and the logic seems to work fine.

My home LAN and all of my PC clients us WORKGROUP=WORKGROUP (probably from back in Win2K times).
All of my PC's and appliances work just fine.

If this makes little sense, I apologize. I just had to ask.

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