Usually you set that up yourself when installing Windows or other OS's.  My
router domain at home is, but when I install Windows it defaults to
workgroup and the domain/workgroup.

At work the domain is ADV-DATA.local and it is setup that way on the router.
Although, I have it setup if anyone uses the DHCP to access the network they
will not be able to access the domain services, this is due to the fact the
Router has one DNS server and the Domain uses others to access the active
directory and network itself.

Looks to see if their DNS is setup manually or it is automatic and check their
subnet as well.  Those 2 would make it difficult to access net appliances and
shares across the network.


On September 19, 2013 at 2:56 PM DSinc <> wrote:
> All of my Brother's LAN clients appear to be: WORKGROUP=MSHOME. Is this
> an OS default?
> I do know how to change this value. And, all of my Brother's clients are
> set to get their network specs
> automatically - the MS Default (like from his router). Fine.
> When he brings his laptop to my home once a year, he can somehow get to
> the internet via my router, but he
> can not get to any of my other LAN services/PC's//appliances. Odd. I
> used to admin his laptop 'into' my LAN, but this
> never really fixed everything. Confusing?
> Is WORKGROUP= ? a router DHCP assigned value?
> I have recently turned on my router's DHCP server, and the logic seems
> to work fine.
> My home LAN and all of my PC clients us WORKGROUP=WORKGROUP (probably
> from back in Win2K times).
> All of my PC's and appliances work just fine.
> If this makes little sense, I apologize. I just had to ask.
> Duncan
Tim Lider
Sr. Data Recovery Specialist
Advanced Data Solutions, LLC

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