u mean win 8 ?

At 06:27 AM 11/1/2013, Tim Lider Poked the stick with:
I know what you mean. If Start8 is installed it is difficult to get to the
correct devices and printers screen. I do say it makes it harder to repair
Windows now. But, it is a lot faster and more fun to use.


On October 31, 2013 at 10:24 PM FORC5 <fuf...@cox.net> wrote:
> playing with this all day, leaning towards one of the programs to get
> the start menu back, updated to 8.1 and had to re install the drivers
> to get the nVidia card back. what a pain.
> is quick and responsive. definitely not designed for anyone who likes
> to look under the hood :-D
> quite a learning curve for a old guy.
> thanks
> fp
> At 05:09 PM 10/31/2013, Bryan Seitz Poked the stick with:
> >I feel like if you read down a bit, I mention startisback.com
> >:)  But that was my response to when he said 'currently leaving stock'.
> >
> >On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 03:08:32PM -0700, Tim Lider wrote:
> > > If you do not want to see the Metro start menu get an app that makes so a
> > > Windows 7 start menu appears. There are a few of them.  My
> > personal favorite is
> > > Start8.
> > >
> > >
> > https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39587100/Screenshot%202013-10-20%2006.35.38.png
> > >
> > > The link shows a picture with Windows 8.1 running with Start8 running.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > >
> Date:  Thursday, October 31st, 2013
>         ***Caution, Tagline Below ***
>                  **Tallyho**
> ******************************************
>    Ever stop to think and forget to start
>                    again?
> ******************************************
Tim Lider
Sr. Data Recovery Specialist
Advanced Data Solutions, LLC

Date:  Friday, November 1st, 2013

       ***Caution, Tagline Below ***
    Trust God, but always tie and watch
           your camel all night.

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