I may have to admit guilt for this. We had many conversations about how long MS may continue to support Win7; and, how soon MS launched W8 and W8.1. I still do not know, or, understand the breadth of the issue. Both of us decided it had to do with 'Tablets.' Sadly he does
own a Tablet (?an Apple IPAD?), an Apple 'Smartphone' and a Kindle 'Reader.'

I shared with him that W7pro/64 installed very easily over my goofed up w8.1/plain vanilla attempt. And, he did have W7pro/64 to upgrade to. He kept railing at me wearing his MBA hat telling me me he just could not accept what MS was doing to Commercial/Industrial folks that had thousands of desktops to plan an upgrade to "?What?" I begged off and said, "I just do not know!" I was focused on OB's homedesktop PC--ONLY. In the end, he bought W8.1pro/64, and, decided that was where he would go based on his own personal research; which seems to be some favorite websites, his USMA Alumni forum, and me (because of our Collective!)......................... ;) (see my earlier queries.) I did have himfocused on Win7pro/64 some months back, but, he blew that off for Win8.1pro/64. I just
said "Fine." I now believe my OB is an "ApplicationSW WONK!" JMHO.

On 07/05/2014 12:38, Thane Sherrington wrote:
At 12:55 PM 05/07/2014, DSinc wrote:
Sorry. His OS will be Win8.1 PRO-64bit.

Any reason why he isn't going with Windows 7?


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