my $.02
I use BounceBack


At 10:46 AM 8/11/2014, Tim Lider Poked the stick with:
Hello all,

On a side note, I use VHD Tools from Sys Internals (now Microsoft Technet). To image the Boot HD I use disk2vhd and to extract the VHD to HD I use Vhd2Disk.

For backup on Windows 8.1, the backup is really good, but it uses excessive amounts of space. So I use a free utility called AceBackup. I have it just copy the data over to the external HD. Of course I also have backup on the cloud as well using DropBox.

Backup programs are user preference and I try not to tell users what specific software to use. Atronis True Image is a good product for paid, I am just using the free way :)

Tim Lider

Date:  Monday, August 11th, 2014

        ***Caution Tagline Below***
         Shift happpens. - Doppler

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