From what I've heard so far, she's using Open Office 4.1.0. The problem is saving slides only, not documents. And being plugged in is not a solution, it misses there also. The general pattern is: Make a change, save, close, reopen, changes not saved. Right now I've told her to bump Open Office to 4.1.1 and see what happens. There seemed to be a few instances where people have had problems saving in Open Office, but none less than a year old.

On 10/19/2014 6:40 PM, Joshua MacCraw wrote:
It's probably the classic PEBCAK issue of not relaying the actual
error message or exact details of what is what thus applying universal
but inaccurate terms to the problem. Can't wait to hear what the
problem is if an answer is found (not likely using bulldozer method).

On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 8:17 AM, Thane Sherrington
<> wrote:
At 09:03 AM 18/10/2014, Steve Tomporowski wrote:
I looked around a little bit and couldn't find anything directly relating
to this on the net.

My buddy's daughter bought a notebook computer and suddenly I got an email
in a panic that she couldn't save her file.  Not a lot of detail, but a
subsequent email said that once she plugged in, she could save.

Anyone ever heard of what's happening here?  I have to get some detail as
to what she's talking about.  I have no idea what she is seeing when she
'can't save'.  The operating system is Win8 but she's using Open Office
(after I told them about Libre Office, sheesh).

I've never heard of that either - what sort of power setting would turn off
hard drive writes?  If one did, Windows would fail immediately as it
couldn't access the page file or the temp folder.

I'd try it again to make sure it wasn't a fluke, and also check USB power
settings in case the keyboard or mouse were being disabled.


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