TBH, I just uninstall the drivers & software for FP readers. To much BS.
Remember Win10 is SaaS - it's always a work in progress.
This latest 'anniversary' update also broke stuff...

joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

"...now these points of data make a beautiful line..."

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [H] Fingerprint reader
> From: Winterlight <winterli...@winterlight.org>
> Date: Sun, August 14, 2016 5:12 pm
> To: hardware@hardwaregroup.com
> I have a Thinkpad EDGE. I did a clean install of Win10 PRO last year. 
> Now I can't get the finger print reader to work right. I can setup 
> the fingerprint successfully but it can never read it when I try to 
> log in.  It fails twice and then tells me to use my pin. I have 
> removed the driver and installed the latest available Lenovo driver 
> but it hasn't helped. It has an extended in home warren and I could 
> call them but it seems to me if I can create the fingerprint the 
> scanner itself must be OK.. right? It must be a software or firmware 
> problem... what does the collective think?
> m

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