I'm not using one of those routers but the SFP port would be for
trunking to another switch or device that has a SFP port, like a pro
level switch (like a GS110TP) to offer 1Gbit to devices connected to the
switch. If you're not planning on wiring anything then there's not much
benefit to you, but if you want to offer hardwired connectivity
elsewhere then it could be a benefit as each port on the switch could
get 1 Gbit.

On 2017-03-04 11:54 AM, Winterlight wrote:
> I am thinking about buying a top end home/small business router =
> Netgear X10. I moved from an area where wireless was worthless unless
> it was line of sight. But now I am in a area where wireless works
> really well. So instead of hardwiring my home, I am going to try
> wireless for everything from mobile devices to 4K streaming. This home
> router comes with a 10G LAN SFP+ port  but when would/could you use
> that in a home setting?
> Anybody using one of these routers?
> w

Jamie Furtner ja...@furtner.ca

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