"Hit up" how, it's the sellers job to collect? That stupid law us making
it's rounds in WA also but thought it more a nuisance than enforceable,

On Mar 4, 2018 8:50 AM, "didymus7" <didym...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The state of Connecticut is very innovative in one area:  Taxes. Our state
> legislators (blue state) are adept at screaming about budget deficits, then
> seeking ways to get more money out of the populace.  CT has had for a few
> years, what amounts to an unconstitutional tax law, called the Use Tax.
> The Use Tax proscribes that anything bought out of state has to be charged
> CT sales tax, even if the selling entity does not have a CT office. This is
> essentially a tax on interstate commerce, forbidden to states by the US
> constitution.  However, by hand waving and calling it a 'Use' tax, the
> courts, so far, have given it a pass.
> That's the background.  Since the use tax has been initiated, Newegg has
> adamantly refused to collect CT state sales tax.  Since the state of CT
> can't force them to, that's their right.  However, when the state of CT
> recently requested that Newegg hand over information on CT buyers for the
> years 2014, 2015, 2016, they cheerfully gave up that info despite the fact
> that they really didn't have to.
> Luckily, I bought little from Newegg the last three years and will not
> from now on.  I don't mind paying the tax, but I object to Newegg just
> doing the easy stuff, then ratting me out.  Bottom line:  I'm hit up for an
> extra $100 in taxes.
> Just letting everyone know in case your state becomes as innovative as CT
> with a 'Use' tax.
> Steve

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