They enforce it in a variety of ways.  If you buy a car out of state, they'll hit you up upon registration.  For internet orders, you are supposed to pay the use tax in your income tax return.  Most people don't, and technically, if the company has a location in that state, like Amazon, they have to collect CT state sales tax.  The use tax is difficult to enforce unless companies, like Newegg, just cave in and give them lists.

On 3/4/2018 12:40 PM, Joshua MacCraw wrote:
"Hit up" how, it's the sellers job to collect? That stupid law us making
it's rounds in WA also but thought it more a nuisance than enforceable,

On Mar 4, 2018 8:50 AM, "didymus7" <> wrote:

The state of Connecticut is very innovative in one area:  Taxes. Our state
legislators (blue state) are adept at screaming about budget deficits, then
seeking ways to get more money out of the populace.  CT has had for a few
years, what amounts to an unconstitutional tax law, called the Use Tax.
The Use Tax proscribes that anything bought out of state has to be charged
CT sales tax, even if the selling entity does not have a CT office. This is
essentially a tax on interstate commerce, forbidden to states by the US
constitution.  However, by hand waving and calling it a 'Use' tax, the
courts, so far, have given it a pass.

That's the background.  Since the use tax has been initiated, Newegg has
adamantly refused to collect CT state sales tax.  Since the state of CT
can't force them to, that's their right.  However, when the state of CT
recently requested that Newegg hand over information on CT buyers for the
years 2014, 2015, 2016, they cheerfully gave up that info despite the fact
that they really didn't have to.

Luckily, I bought little from Newegg the last three years and will not
from now on.  I don't mind paying the tax, but I object to Newegg just
doing the easy stuff, then ratting me out.  Bottom line:  I'm hit up for an
extra $100 in taxes.

Just letting everyone know in case your state becomes as innovative as CT
with a 'Use' tax.


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