Put the files in public_html. As long as front page created a index.html
file it should work.

Are you using Cpanel?


On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 5:09 PM _ Winterlight <winterli...@outlook.com>

> I have a domain hosted at google. I just switched from windows hosting at
> Godaddy to Linux hosting at Network solutions. It is a very simple personal
> account and no real website per say consisting of text files, a couple of
> subdomains..i.e... reference stuff I keep online.
> I downloaded what was on the godaddy windows hosting site. So instead of
> putting all the files and folders in the root directory of a windows
> hosting account I just put them in htdocs folder....is this correct? Does
> the fact that the windows site was created with front page matter.  Once I
> copy those files should the site start working normally? I ask because it
> is not working and I am wondering if the reason is that the site hasn't
> updated yet  ... I purchased the hosting account yesterday... or is it
> something about my files?
> But the first thing I need to know is did I transfer the files correctly?
> thanks
> w

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