It's rare, but I had a bad AMD CPU last year. I swapped out everything
including the MB and still had problems similar to yours. I got a new CPU
with all the original components, and it's worked fine since.

On Wed, Aug 12, 2020 at 9:00 PM _ Winterlight <>

> My Asus P9 X79WS  with I7  has been giving me headaches for months. It
> runs at default there is no overclock. It uses Crucial DDR3 Ballistic Sport
> Ram and a EVGA 1070 video card.
>  It runs for a while and then with  a reboot it hangs and won’t post.
> Eventually it started shutting down on it’s own and, after I replaced the
> CPU cooler it seemed to behave. It has been running good for the last
> couple of weeks until yesterday’s MS windows 10 update. It does the update,
> then reboots and stops at the ASUS logo and won’t go on and won’t go to
>  I have pulled everything but the 1070 video card out in an attempt to
> discover the problem. RAM that checks out with Memtest… I have even swapped
> the RAM out trying to see if was RAM but the RAM is good. I removed all
> drives but  no change.
> I tried clearing the BIOS, and then a re-flash of the current BIOS.
> Nothing helped.
> Anybody go through anything like this or have any ideas or has this board
> just gone bad.


Michael Decker
202 603 5663 (mobile)

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