An Interview with MyMeeting Senior Developer

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Posted by ditesh on Saturday, 27 September 2008 at 02:42 AM


MyMeeting (
areas/application/mymeeting ) (download is a web application 
specifically designed to help better manage meetings in government 
agencies. Initially developed at the Open Source Competency Center (OSCC), it is the first Malaysian government 
software to be released publicly under the open source BSD license.

We conducted an email interview with Abdullah Zainul Abidin ( ), the senior developer on this 
project. The answers are below verbatim (with some minor formatting 

0) Tell us the story of how MyMeeting came about being developed. 
Who's brainchild was this? Who were the key developers? How many 
developers were allocated to work on MyMeeting? Was there management 
buy-in before development started? Was the development of MyMeeting 
conducted in OSS manner (ie open mailing lists, bug tracking software, 
public access to SVN/CVS/git etc)?

MyMeeting actually started life as a custom system for the management 
of decisions made in the GITIC committee. GITIC (Government 
Information Technology And Internet Committee) is a committee chaired 
by the Chief Secretary Of Malaysia that discusses the implementation 
of government IT policies and so it has members from every government 
agency in Malaysia.

Once the GITIC system was complete, MAMPU saw that MyMeeting could 
actually be useful to other government agencies too thus most of the 
customized for GITIC portion was taken and turned into settings which 
could easily be changed by the various agencies for their use. Then it 
wasn't really open source yet. We were using all the open source 
technologies (PHP, MySQL, Apache, SVN) but the development wasn't 
really open for all to see.

It was when we wanted to redo MyMeeting for MyMeeting version 2 that 
we saw MyMeeting is a perfect candidate for a completely Malaysian 
Government Open Source Software project. Most probably the first of 
it's kind. So yes, development of MyMeeting is conducted in OSS 
manner. You can access the bugtracker at, download it through svn at, register to it's mailing list at and also 
edit it's wiki at the knowledge bank

1) MyMeeting was developed on CakePHP ( ). What 
was the reasoning to choose CakePHP over other PHP frameworks? Did 
using an ROR-style framework help speed up development? Were there any 
problems faced when using CakePHP and how did the developers go about 
solving the problems?

The reason we choose CakePHP was exactly because it was an ROR-style ( ) framework. At the time when we decided 
to redo MyMeeting, there was a suggestion that we should use ROR 
especially after we saw Kamal's presentation on ROR (
rails-mygosscon-2007 )  at MyGOSSCON ( 

But I was worried about the learning curve that we would have to face 
and also considering the limited amount of time we have it was just 
not realistic to expect all of the OSCC developers to grasp a 
completely new language (none of us have any kind of experience with 
Ruby) and a completely new approach to web application development. I 
mean doing programming with the MVC concept after so long of mixed PHP 
and HTML hackery it certainly is very different. But I knew that we 
would not be able to go far with "traditional" way of developing php 
software. We have to overcome MVC.

So we choose CakePHP because it was marketed as clone of ROR. The 
initial learning curve of a new approach was pretty steep but once 
that was all over we find that it did help speed up development as it 
keeps things clean. Everyone knew where things need to go and where to 
look if there are problems.

2) Is there any plans to officially support PostgreSQL (and other free 
databases) in future versions of MyMeeting? Also, why the support for 
MySQL only in this release?

There is no "official" plans to support PostgreSQL and actually 
cakephp does support other free and non-free databases. Only there are 
some queries which we had to hack in as they are too complex for 
CakePHP. And to be honest we haven't had much experience with other 
databases. So if someone really needs it, or even gave us the patch to 
support it (hint,hint ;) we'd be more than glad to implement it into 
the main tree of MyMeeting.

3) Has there been any patches fed back from the FOSS community? If 
members of the FOSS community are interested in contributing to this 
project, where should they go to information on getting involved?

We had one patch submitted by SuMarDi ( ) 
that actually changed the theme of MyMeeting. It was really good. But 
as of date (11/09/2008) we have not yet put it in because he also 
changed some tags in the views so we need to make sure we don't break 
anything if we put it in. Apart from that we've got some good feedback 
from angch ( ) and he even updated the wiki 
in Trac.

We welcome any contribution and involvement from the community 
regarding MyMeeting. If anyone is interested they should first 
register themselves at the OSCC Knowledgebank ( ) and from there they can read up on the 
latest MyMeeting documentation ( ).

They should download the source code and try out MyMeeting (the 
Knowledgebank would have information on how to do that). If they find 
some bugs or would like to suggest some feature they can do so at the 
mymeeting trac site ( ) by logging 
in with their Knowledgebank account.

They should also register with the mymeeting-users mailing list to 
keep up with the latest happenings with mymeeting at . Apart from 
that, sometimes the mymeeting developers can be found in the #oscc irc 
channel on freenode. We'd be glad to help in any way we can so that 
the community can contribute.

4) Are there plans to integrate into existing legacy calendaring 
systems? Are there plans to integrate into FOSS calendaring software? 
How about integrating into existing proprietary calendaring software?

We have a vague plan of exporting the meeting calendars with iCal or 
something. But that is still a long way to go in the pipeline.

5) What is the roadmap for future releases of MyMeeting?

We haven't got a lot of feedback from the community yet as of where we 
should be heading. So most of it is only in the developers head of 
what next we should do. Yeah.. we're still very new at managing an 
open source project. It should be in trac.. :P

6) Why was the decision to keep MyMeeting development within OSCC 
before version 1.0 ?

That was actually the default way of doing things here at OSCC. We're 
actually trying to introduce something new with MyMeeting version 2 
with it being completely open source and all.

7) Will future projects appear to the public prior to v1.0?

That would have to depend on the management.. :)

8) How is the team adapting to releasing the code?

We were pretty nervous at first. Not knowing whether our codes were 
any good and all. But we're okay now. Still got a long way to go to be 
fully disciplined in the open source way thought (release control and 
all) but insyaAllah we'll get there.

9) Management must be well educated to have the source code released. 
Was this an issue, and did you need advocacy sessions?

We are supposed to be the Open Source COMPETENCY Centre. :) So 
management should already know about the advantages of doing it in 
open source. We didn't need advocacy sessions.

10) How does your team / Management / OSCC / MAMPU rationalise the 
sharing of Intellectual Right of copyright and software patents?

We want Malaysia to be seen as a contributor of knowledge and 
technology to the global community.

11) How many seats has this been rolled out to (#Agencies / #Seats) 
and how much would this have cost for an equivalent commercial 

There is at least around 6 agencies that is actively engaged with us 
to use MyMeeting. And since MyMeeting is freely downloadable there 
could be more out there that we don't even know of that's using it. 
Our current estimate is that it would cost at least RM 100K per agency 
to get something like MyMeeting commercially. So that's RM 600K at 
least already. :)

12) How much would your team foresee saving the Govt over the next 5 
to 10 years from MyMeeting, and other OSCC products?

For MyMeeting? In 5 years maybe more than RM 15 million. If we can get 
all (and we mean ALL) of the government agencies and bodies to use 
MyMeeting. Not sure about the other products though.

13) Govt is cutting back on spending generally. Do you foresee that it 
will cut back on OSS investments?

Actually I think the right way to go is to put in more on OSS 
investments if they want to cut back. So I don't think they will.

14) Any new projects from OSCC labs we should look out for?

MySurveillance is rolling out soon. It is a HIDS system based on 

15) Can the private sector make use of the applications from OSCC?

Yes of course. But we won't be able to officially provide support 
though. We're more focused on government bodies.

16) Will OSCC provide support, or do they have recommended partners?

We would recommend partners wherever possible.

17) There have been cases where proprietary software vendors have 
opposed OSS initiatives by the government. Has there been any negative 
feedback from these vendors on the release of MyMeeting code, and if 
so, what has happened thus far?

No problems so far.

We would like to thank Abdullah Zainul Abidin for his time in 
answering the many questions. We are encouraged by the fact that the 
Malaysian goverment is moving so far as to open source its software 
projects. Indeed, the incredible interest from other government 
agencies clearly proves that the open sourcing of MyMeeting was a far-
reaching wise investment. It has clearly allowed for efficient use of 
ICT resources by all, not to mention many millions of tax ringgits 
that are being saved through the choice of liberal OSS licensing. With 
their efforts leading to the promotion of OSS innovation and 
creativity, this initiative will surely lead to increased and 
sustained growth of the local ICT ecosystem.


More Blog posts related to OSCC MAMPU

MyGOSSCON 2007 Buletin Pagi TV3 7 Dec 2007

Malaysian Public Sector Open Source competency Centre OSCC MAMPU 

Products By OSCC MAMPU

MyMeeting at Sourceforge

MyMeeting at Google Code

MyMeeting at Freshmeat


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