Pribadi manusia itu ada tingkatannya (multidimensional being), dari yang
paling rendah sampai ke yang paling tinggi (paling dekat dengan Tuhan).1.
2. Oversoul
3. Higher self
4. Monad

Nah Monad itu hirarki pribadi manusia yang paling dekat dengan wilayah
ketuhanan. hehe... :)
Mungkin sama dengan Nur Muhammad (dzat primordial, zat awal mula dari alam
semesta), dzat yang ada pada seluruh ciptaan-Nya, dan pada Dia juga... Zat
yang sejati, atau ada istilah lain cahaya kristus (Christ Light), atau
apapun istilahnya....

Agak rumit  memang menjelaskan apa itu Monad, tapi dirasakan saja mas. Sudah
sampai kesadaran soul saja sudah hebat kok, apalagi kesadaran Monad...


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In many Gnostic <> systems (and
God <> is known as the *Monad*, *the
*, The 
*Aion teleos* (The Perfect Æon <>), *
Bythos* (Depth or Profundity, Βυθος), *Proarche* (Before the Beginning,
προαρχη), and *E Arche* (The Beginning, η αρχη) and *The ineffable parent*.
God is the high source of the pleroma <>,
the region of light. The various emanations of God are called

Within certain variations of
especially those inspired by Monoimus<>,
the *Monad* was the highest God <> which
created lesser gods <>, or elements
(similar to æons <>). It
is important to note that in some versions of ancient Gnosticism, especially
those deriving from Valentinius <>,
a lesser deity known as the Demiurge
<>had a role in the creation of
the material world in addition to the role of
the Monad. In these forms of gnosticism, the God of the Old
Testament<>is often
considered to have been the Demiurge, not the Monad, or sometimes
different passages are interpreted as referring to each.

This Monad is the spiritual
<>source of everything which
emanates <> the
and could be contrasted to the darkness of pure

] Historical background

According to Hippolytus<>,
this view was inspired by the
who called the first thing that came into existence the
which begat the dyad <>, which begat the
numbers <>, which begat the
begetting lines <>,
Pythagorean <> and
Plato<>philosophers like
Plotinus <> and
Porphyry<>condemned Gnosticism
(see Neoplatonism
and Gnosticism <>)
for their treatment of the monad or one.

For a long time, legend persisted that a young man by the name of Epiphanes
(gnostic) <> was the
leader of the Monadic Gnosticism who died age 17. However, scholars think
the legend may have come from misunderstanding of the Greek word
*eiphanes*which may have been mistaken as a personal name if in text,
when in fact the
Greek means *distinguished*, as in a *distinguished

] See also

2008/6/23 A. Guntur Dwiyatmoko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Pak Zirvan, good thought. Walau semua manusia itu hebat, tapi kok saya
> masih
> merasa jauh terbelakang dalam masalah spiritual ini, makanya musti tetep
> kudu rajin ya :)
> HU-ers, ada yang bisa menjelaskan apa sih Monad itu?
> salam harmonis,
> guntur
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Zirvan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Harmonisasi Universal" <>
> Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 2:05 AM
> Subject: [Harmonisasi] Re: Perkenalan
> >
> > semua manusia sesungguh memang hebat..
> > krn semuanya udah hebat, maka tdk ada yg lebih hebat dari yg lainnya..
> > kita dlm proses menyadari bahwa kita semua adalah SATU (dgn malaikat
> > pun kita adalah SATU)..yg akan berujung pd pemahaman tdk ada
> > sesuatupun yang lebih hebat dari yg lainnya.
> > That's why we have to support each other..(spt yg dilakukan malaikat
> > kpd kita) - support yg telah juga diberikan mas rustan pd group ini..
> >
> > Hmm..saya pikir mas rustan telah melakukan sebagaimana yg dilakukan
> > oleh malaikat.
> > >
> >

** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

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