On 5/26/05, Geir Magnusson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I think that wrt trying to eliminate C++ and C, you've just
> moved the problem elsewhere - because we'll still need a set of
> portable intrinsics and bootstrapper, and C++/C are natural candidates.
> That said, I would assume that properly architected, you could follow
> the same pattern and build in the framework we devise a CLI using the
> same techniques in C# used in Java.

Yes.  I agree.  Even though its a non-goal, a good Harmony framework
will also allow someone to add support for CLI application binaries. 
Note that the language an app is written in and the language(s) the VM
is written in are independent.  In other words, you can write a VM in
Java that supports C# applications.  Several years back we actually
extended ORP to also run ECMA CLI.  There are many common parts
between a JVM and a .NET VM.  Some of the issues were described in the
Intel Technical Journal.  See

> I think that's interesting, and certainly would build a larger
> community, but my personal interest is a compatible implementation of
> J2SE.

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