One potential use is for companies (and individuals) to work around particular performance limitations and bugs in the Sun VM while keeping the libraries they know inside and out. I imagine that could become common if Harmony ends up being as modular as we all hope.

I am curious as to how much of the standard libraries would be rendered non-functional without the VM specific classes from Sun, however.

Craig Blake

On Jun 5, 2005, at 5:32 PM, Peter Donald wrote:


It seems like there is a little bit of heat being generated by this topic due to confusion. While Geir has not actually stated this anywhere I assume that the reason that he is advocating for a VM interface that is independent of GNU Classpath is because he has plans to interoperate with other class libraries.

I assume that if the Harmony JVM gets half as good as is hoped there will be companys who want to adopt the JVM but continue to use Suns class library so that differences in libraries don't hurt their customers.

Consider IBM - There are a few people here (both active and lurkers) that are IBMers. They have publicly showed support for an open source JVM on numerous occasions and I am sure they would benefit considerably (as would Harmony) if this project was to get to that stage. However I suspect that it is likely that they want to stick with a derivative of Suns rt.jar for the moment. The reason being that their customers do not want to be exposed to differences between rt.jar and GNU Classpath. Given that IBM has already re-written large chunks of the JVM I suspect that over time they may move piecemeal to an OSS class library - at a pace at which they can verify it matches Suns behaviour.

Another possibility would be the people from Brazil who are starting their own JVM and I would not be surprised if at some point someone wants to reimplement the class library using with a ASL/MIT or other license with fewer restrictions.

I could be wrong but I guess the idea is to keep the options open and encourage collaboration with both big buisness and other OSS projects.


Peter Donald
| You can't wake a person who is pretending      |
|       to be asleep. -Navajo Proverb.           |

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