There are many legal and political concerns about the Apache Harmony project, and it behooves us to do the best job we can at all times in ensuring that the software contributed or created by the community is as "clean" (in the IP sense) as possible. We do this to protect the ASF, the committers, and the users of the software.

There are are few issues that come to mind when thinking about committers :

   1) What IP has the committer been exposed to,
      and what is the position of the owner of that IP
      with respect to the committer's participation?
      For example, has the committer been exposed to
      copyrighted or patented material, in which an
      accidental re-creation would put the project
      or users at risk of legal action from the
      IP owner?

   2) If people have been exposed to code that would be
      problematic for us, what can we do to allow the maximum
      participation with the minimal risk?

   3) How do we ensure that we carefully track our
      committers and what they've been exposed to?

To solve, consider the following :

I. Division of Repository

For starters, we can divide our SVN repository into parts :

1) JVM
    - VM
    - JIT
    - GC
    - etc

2) Class library
     - VM/lib interface  :-b

3) Website and Documentation

and we limit access to the SVN to which your contributions have no "taint" as we understand it at the moment. Because attitudes will change over time, I think that "taint" can go away as an individual's issue that causes the 'taint' gets resolved.

We can start with access for website and docs immediately w/o much consideration for 'taint'.

II. Specific Access Control Lists

Through fine-grained (as necessary) access control lists for the SVN repo, we'll allow committers into repos for project components for which they have no "taint". If they've worked on Sun's class libraries in the past but no exposure to VM, we keep them from any class library work we do (if any) and allow them into VM-related code.

I think for simplicity in accounting, we should be conservative and explicit about access. You are granted access only to repos that you ask to be granted access to (although with the exception of the "taint" issue, we should grant to anything asked for...) and encourage people to keep their personal list small, and ask for access to be removed if they no longer need it.

III. Strict Limits on Committer Contribution

Committers can only commit contributions to the repositories that they personally created specifically for contribution to Apache Harmony. This is the standard stream of fresh original work, small enhancements and patches that are the normal flow of project life. The purpose of this rule is to explicitly prohibit re-purposed "bulk" code that the contributor believes is their original work. We can still accept those, but wish to track them explicitly.

IV. Be Proactive in Committer Education

People sometimes forget or don't understand the intricacies of copyright and authorhsip, and just want to get work done. Therefore, we should make a special effort to remind the committers of the limits, give them clear information on what to do if a commit isn't w/ in the rules, and where to ask questions (and a list of answered questions for reference).

We could have this as part of a standard svn commit message template, for example. Other ideas welcome.

V. Required Committer Paperwork

Each committer is required to complete an standard Apache Individual Contributor License Agreement. This document asserts that the contributor is licensing their material to the ASF under the Apache license and is their original work (there's some other details).

For employed committers where it's appropriate, I'm interested in what we can do to get validation that the employer doesn't own the rights to the employee's work in the project. While this is not applicable to many legal jurisdictions, it is applicable to the US, and an element of concern here for Apache Harmony. We don't want code to be contributed that will later be deemed to be a work for hire or other kind of property of the employer, and thus give a third party some claim on us or our users.

We would like to know who is contributing to the project. To this end, we might consider a form asking information like the following. This goes beyond standard ASF practice, and we would of course have this reviewed and approved by ASF lawyers and other interested members of the community (yes, it's fairly conservative...) :


1) Identification

   Please provide the following information

   - Name (real name, please)
   - E-mail and other electronic contact information
   - Mailing address (include Country)
   - If you have an employer, include name and address of employer

2) Access to Repositories :

   Apache Harmony would like to limit write access to repositories
   to those that need it, but will grant all that is asked for as long
   as there are no 'taint' issues.

    - Which components are you interested in working on?

3) Taint

  The Project is committed to producing an implementation of Java that
  can be licensed freely under the Apache License.  To do this,
  only those who have not accessed the source code for other
  implementations of the applicable project components (or the
  source code for the corresponding classes from other Java platforms)
  will be permitted to commit to those components.

  The following activities are not considered “accessing’ the
  source code and would not generally disqualify you from
  committing to the related repository here at Apache Harmony

    a) Having a copy of src.jar on a computer as long as you never
       viewed or edited the contents of the file.

    b) While running a debugger on a Java language program, having
       had occasion to step into the source code for the implementation
       as long as you did not attempt to understand or debug the
       implementation code itself.

    c) Having implemented "plug-ins" or other component software which
interact with an implementation, but doing so only with reference
       to the published service provider interfaces.

    d) Have written or executed test cases that probed the behavior
       of an implementation as long as you did so with reference
       only to published specifications and interfaces.

With those activities in mind, have you done any of the following to an implementation of one or more of the components you listed in item (2)
   above :

    - Read some or all the source code for an implementation?

- Fixed defects or performed other maintenance activity on an implementation?

- Enhanced the source code for an implementation with additional function,
      performance or other qualities of service?

- Ported an implementation to a different operating system or hardware platform?

- Reverse compiled or otherwise reverse engineered an implementation?

If you have answered yes to any question above, you may not be an contributor to the related component of Apache Harmony unless the copyright owner of that
    implementation either:

a) submits the implementation to this project under the Software Grant or
        the Corporate Contribution License Agreement (the CCLA);

b) if the copyright owner is your current employer, signs a CCLA and
       lists you as a designated employee; or

     c) if the copyright owner is not your current employer, submits
a written authorization disclaiming any copyright or confidentiality interest in your current or future contributions to this project.

4) Bulk Contribution

   Have you personally written all of the code or other material
   that you are intending to contribute to this project?
   If not, you need to satisfy both a) and b) below.

   a)  All of the other authors are committers for the component and

   b)  You have a written agreement with those who wrote the material
       that either gives you ownership of the material or otherwise
       provides you sufficient rights to submit this material to the
project on their behalf. (please provide the details of this agreement)

5) Confidential Exposure

   Have you had access to any information regarding a proprietary
   implementation of a component that could be considered
   confidential?  If so, you may be a committer for that component only
   if the owner of that potential confidential information submits
   a written authorization disclaiming any confidentiality interest
   in your current or future contributions to this project.

6) Non-Compete Restrictions

   Are you subject to a non-compete agreement that covers the
   development of software?  If so, you may be an committer only if
   the other party submits a written authorization acknowledging that
   your participation in the project is not in conflict with the
   non-compete agreement.


   Please execute a Individual Contributor License Agreement.

8) Employment Limitations

   Are you employed as a programmer, systems analyst, or other
   IT professional?  If so, you may be an commiter
   only if your employer either:

   a) signs a Corporate Contribution License Agreement with Apache
      and lists you as a designated employee or

   b) submits a written authorization for your participation in this
      project and disclaims any copyright or confidentiality interest
      in your current or future contributions to this project.



Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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