Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

8) Employment Limitations

   Are you employed as a programmer, systems analyst, or other
   IT professional?  If so, you may be an commiter
   only if your employer either:

   a) signs a Corporate Contribution License Agreement with Apache
      and lists you as a designated employee or

   b) submits a written authorization for your participation in this
      project and disclaims any copyright or confidentiality interest
      in your current or future contributions to this project.

IANAL, but this is a really tricky part, as different laws apply depending on where the contributor lives. Most countries have a different approach on this subject than the anglo-american copyright, namely the "author's right".

For my part, living in Germany, there is no way for my employer (even though I'm employed as a software developer) to claim any rights on work I'm doing in my spare time and there is no legal way for me to disclaim or overdraw my author's right on any work I've done. Even the author's right on the work I'm doing for my employer stays with me, all they can claim is an exclusive right to _use_ the code.

I have been working on a few smaller projects lately, which may be of interest to the Harmony project, and I would find it a pity, if your legal requirements makes it difficult for me to contribute.


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