On 08-06-2005 00:08, "Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I. Division of Repository


> II. Specific Access Control Lists


We could consider setting up a totally separate SVN repo for this, because
the svn-authorization file would be the authoritive source of "tainting
info" and we may want to publish that file.

> III. Strict Limits on Committer Contribution


> IV. Be Proactive in Committer Education


> We could have [a legal form] as part of a standard svn commit message
> template, for example.  Other ideas welcome.

Perhaps employ a post-commit hook that rejects commits that don't have a
filled-out template.

> we might consider a form asking information like the following.

There's a lot in there. I don't feel qualified to comment.

> Comments?

Expanding on what I said in my other e-mail, "committer" is something that
has many non-legal connotations here at the ASF. It might make sense to
define all or most of this in terms of contributors. WDYT?

- Leo

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