
thanks for your link, seems like APR is the way to go.

Just one more thing: Instead of just having an abstraction layer, would it be possible to give our solution a little finer granularity right from the start ? E.g. define a part of this layer so that only this part is required on a target to get the JVM to run. This will help to use Harmony with different bootpaths later on. For example, the VM will not require libraries for X-Path and database operations, or will it? (They seem to be required to run libapr0 in your link)


Joerg Wendland wrote:


On Fri, Aug 19, 2005 at 12:15:40AM -0700, Tom wrote:

I like the APR idea, but still would like to evaluate how feasible it will be to port whatever we chose as the OAL to various embedded platforms, in particular ARM, PowerPC and MIPS.

Es you can for example see at [0] APR compiles, runs and is supported on
these architectures plus nine others.



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