
I've just now gotten my SVN stuff ironed out and will
be committing a lot of things soon.  You will be able to
see that all go by on the harmony-commits@ mailing
list, if you are so inclined.  This will be the 0.0.1 release.

One of the things it will have is a .tar.gz that contains
_only_ source and one with source and docs.  (This is in
lieu of storing any pre-formatted docs in the source area
of the repository.)  One of the things I have worked on
that you probably saw in my earlier post to harmony-dev@
is that I have firmed up the documentation in general.
This entails source changes that are converted to HTML
and other formats using 'doxygen' as the documentation
compiler.  It is this pre-formatted documentation that
you will want to look at that will contain a complete list
of @bug and @todo items.

One of the things I will need to do after 0.0.1 is done is
to gather the larger categories @todo items together into
groups of related items, such as the need for threading
verification and internal JAR file support.  I'll keep you
and everyone posted on this.

I think it would be great to have your support on finishing
parts of the incomplete @todo items.  You have also expressed
an interest in the threading area.  This will come soon.

Would you be able to help with porting to any particular
platform?  I developed this on Solaris 9, and Gier M. has
done an initial port to CygWin and is doing some work on
porting it to OS-X.  Could you help with porting to another
Unix platform?  Or perhaps native MS Windows?  We need
all of these things.

Thanks again,

Dan Lydick

-----Original Message-----
From: Rodrigo Kumpera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Oct 18, 2005 3:37 PM
To: Apache Harmony Bootstrap JVM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Status of the Harmony SVN

Hi Dan,

I'm reading the bootjvm sources and noted that many places there are
stubs/todo marks. I've followed the svn repository and I seens to be
diferent from the JIRA tarball.

Is the svn repository updated with your recent work? I would like to
help implementing some of the missing funtionality as some of it seens
to be pretty straitforward to do.


Dan Lydick

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