One of the features of the BootJVM administration is the
ability to determine the _exact_ contents of a binary with
respect to its SVN source representation.  That is part of
macro provides.  Run the '' script against any
object, class, library, binary, or Jar file and this information
is displayed.  The related '' script shows any
conflicting versions of files (esp. headers) compiled into the
same object-type file.
I overlooked this information in the code in the 'test/src'
directory and the 'jni/src/harmony/generic/0.0/src' directory
for both the 'C' files and the Java files.  If anyone is fiddling
with these files at the moment, please let me know soon
so I can coordinate the SVN commits to those areas.
Also the header file 'jvm/src/arch.h' will move over to
'jvm/include' in support, but will contain no changes in and
of itself.
Dan Lydick

Dan Lydick

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