On Oct 27, 2005, at 5:03 AM, Graham Smith wrote:

On Monday 24 October 2005 18:45, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

Correct except for :

1) I'm not fearless
2) I'm not the leader.  We're all peers :)

Yes boss. Erm peer :)

Seriously, yes, oh peer.

We need people who _do_ know something about a topic as well as people
who do _not_ know.  For example, myself.  I have worked with Java
for a
good while, and I have some good experience in Unix, Windows, and
real-time systems.  Therefore, I felt I could write a JVM for this
project.  However, I do _not_ know anything about Java memory
and de-allocation (known as "garbage collection") systems, as is
from recent list postings.  However, several other people do.  Their
experience will fill in my gap and I will learn something along the

Exactly.  For example, I'm trying to cover the "have people who don't
know" aspect, as I don't have a clue :)

Welcome... just get involved.

I'm in a similar position to Joäo. I've been reading this list for a few weeks thinking that I might be able to help with the harmony project but don't understand most of what is said (which I find very depressing) as it all
seems to be C related.

The shudders go away at some point. I used to do lots of low-level C and I have to say it's been tough to come back to it.

I've been a Java developer (web applications mostly) for a longer than I care to think about while sober but wouldn't know C from Perl. This makes me think that, at present at least, I probably won't be able to have much input.

That's not true. We have lots of things to do. For example, we have the entire toolsuite that comes w/t he JDK to do. Find something in there, and get going. it *can* be in Java, because we assume at some point we get to be self hosting with things like that.

AIUI though harmony will eventually write it's own core class libraries (java.util, java.sql, javax.swing, etc etc ) which is where I think I could
be most productive.

Well, we're never going to stand in the way of someone volunteering to do what they want to do.

What I suppose I am trying to ask is what area(s) do you think I would be most useful working in? What I am hoping is that someone with a good understanding of the project will be able to point me in the direction of an overview or towards areas that best fit my current skills which will help get me started. I've not worked on a project this large before and it's quite daunting to be
faced with the whole project all at once.

And this is only going to get worse. What we're seeing is the tiny, pointy little tip of the iceberg :) People are going to pine for the days when things were so quiet and simple.

Take a look at the toolsuite - see what catches your interest.




Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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