Hi Geir,

On Fri, 2005-11-04 at 11:24 -0500, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> We have to address this.  We started a while ago and it didn't go  
> well

Could you give a summary of the discussion and why you thought it didn't
go well?

> We have people around here, lurking and active, that have done this in anger, 
> so speak up...

Did you study the VM Integration Guide:
We have updated and clarified it and if you read the NEWS file we
distribute with every release you will see updates and requests for
feedback on various parts. See the latest release or:
(Look under the headings "Runtime interface changes:")

There are more then 20 different compiler/runtime/tools projects that
use this for various different situations be it interpreter, jit, ahead
of time compilers, real time, or byte code transformation frameworks. I
am sure it can be refined and improved (since we do that for every
release), but it should be very flexible already. Please give feedback.



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