On Nov 9, 2005, at 5:59 AM, Mark Wielaard wrote:

Hi Geir,

On Mon, 2005-11-07 at 06:44 -0500, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
On Nov 7, 2005, at 5:40 AM, Mark Wielaard wrote:
On Sun, 2005-11-06 at 08:44 -0500, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
Lets not count our chickens here.  The LGPL policy is still in the
works, and may not allow anything but limited-time optional
dependencies, and no re-distrubution of LGPL-ed artifacts.

But that is all we need for now don't we?

No, because we want to be able to distribute complete tested
implementations of J2SE, right? :)

It is a start don't you agree? And one that would help us forward now.
In the end we want to combine all the projects to make up a complete
free J2SE replacement. That will indeed take more work and cooperation.
But this seems like a nice start.

Yes, it's certainly a start.

Of course we should lobby for more freedom.

I won't take that bait :0

I am not sure I am following you. If it is the word freedom, then
replace it with flexibility. What we want if that the board allows us to
combine and distribute the various projects. The above is a good first
step since lots of people want to use and depend on LGPL-covered works.

Ah! That's the key though - I don't think we are going to see ASF projects with unrestricted LGPL-ed dependencies. Maybe optional ones, but there will be limits.

Over time we would like to have more compromises of course. Just like we
compromised with GNU Classpath and added an exception statement to the
GPLv2. If we could get something similar for the ASL to make it
compatible with the GPL for the harmony code covered by the ASLv2 that
would be ideal imho.

This is a long subject, maybe for another post.

But the main thing is to make sure there are no roadblocks for
collaboration between the different free sofware projects.

Indeed!  That's why I'm so certain that interoperability of modules
and componentization will be so beneficial for us.

Sure, but then we must be sure that we can combine these modules and
components into a larger work in a way that makes both the GNU and
Apache communities happy.

We have no problem if, for example, standard APIs like javax.persistence are implemented under LGPL or -ish, because the user has full freedom to find a replacement for that LGPL-ed work and retains functionality.

So that's what my vision for this is - a set of interfaces that we create/adopt together, and the give us each freedom to implement under our own license and users to choose and mix and match.

If the board really refuses to allow us to distributed a fully
integrated system containing all parts we can always put the whole
collection up somewhere else. But we will cross that bridge when we
get there. Lets first put together the whole system.

Someone can always take the various works and post somewhere else,
but we'll distribute what we test, and we won't be able to use Apache
TCKs to test something we're not distributing from here.

Then lets make sure we can all distribute it from here. But also think
carefully whether we are a development group or a distributor. Most
GNU/Linux distributions are much better at shipping stuff then we
development communities.

Yes, but the ASF does act as the primary distributor for it's project releases. Others can as well, and do.

I have no problem, of course, of others re-using our work in ways that they choose that are legal....


Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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