Sebastian Hartte wrote:
> Enrico Migliore wrote:
>>Sebastian Hartte wrote:
>>>Hi you two,
>>>I tried a similar thing (using Visual Studio 2005 Professional). The
>>>empty structs are still an error in that compiler version (What do you
>>>need empyt structs for anyway? Allocation a zero byte memory region
>>>doesn't make much sense to me).
>>I think that those structs are empty because are a placeholder for
>>fields that will be defined in the future.
>>>But i also run into problems with pthread.h since that doesn't exist on
>>>Windows. Either i screwed up and included the wrong header files
>>>(but i think jvm.h belongs to the project) or the threading is entirely
>>>based on pthreads.
>>>Isn't there some form of platform independent threading in the apache
>>>project that could be used over here? After all refactoring is cool ;-)
>>For a win32 pthread implementation, try this:
>>There are two libraries I downloaded this one: pthreadVC2.lib
> To be honest i don't like the requirement of yet another library to
> compile it on Windows. The big question here would be how
> closely the threading api is tied into the JVM. I would certainly prefer
> a platform independent solution. Is any Apache2
> developer around who knows how the threading mpm does it?


At the risk of preempting the acceptance of HARMONY-14...

take a look at the thread library that is in there, and described in the
doxygen pages that you will find in
"Harmony/doc/vm_doc/html/group__Thread.html".  That contains a bunch of
threading calls that should be of use to the bootJVM port, and there is
an impl for the MSVC compiler on Windows.



IBM Java technology centre, UK.

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