Ok.  So there's this joke I like...

A guy dies and goes to hell. A daemon ;) meets him at the door, and tells him that he gets to choose his eternal punishment. They go to a large room where people are hanging by their hands into a pool of lava. They all are in agony and pain. They guys says "Pass!". The go to the second room. Here, people are chained to big rocks, and wave after wave of cold saltwater lash into them minute after minute. Clearly they are suffering too.

The man wants to see the third room. In it, people are standing up to their necks in a big pool of manure, drinking coffee. The man thinks "hey, that's not so bad, compared to what I saw" so he grabs a coffee cup, jumps in and has his coffee. (The coffee isn't bad, either.)

Fifteen minutes later, the overseer gets up from his coffee, comes to the edge of the pool, and says

"Ok everyone.  Coffee break is over.  Back on your hands!"

So... can we consider this topic done (with the exception of dalibar getting the last word in response to my last post), at least from the POV of trying to make progress on it here on the Harmony list, and move it over to legal-discuss? This is a committer-only list, so not everyone can participate, but if we promise to bring the results back, will that work?

If not, shall we start harmony-legal@ list?


On Dec 5, 2005, at 8:38 AM, Leo Simons wrote:

On Sun, Dec 04, 2005 at 01:52:32PM -0600, Archie Cobbs wrote:
Conclusion being: if it's the merely legality that concerns ASF,
then they should already be happy and this whole problem and
discussion can go away (wouldn't that be nice :-)

Yes, that'd be real nice! But mere legality isn't the only thing
that concerns the ASF. Its probably also perfectly legal to write
code that only compiles with MS Visual Studio .Net 2008 Vista
Edition and release it under the Apache License. However, if an
ASF project were to do that, it'd still be considered a problem.

"So what are all the other concerns?"

There is no exhaustive list. Cliff is working on documenting this

Things like "users can go and use our stuff without worrying about
'virality'", "the legal end results are similar to what our users
expect", and more.

- Leo

Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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