On Dec 5, 2005, at 10:17 AM, Archie Cobbs wrote:

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
I stripped out lots of ELF specific stuff, so my version could be
interesting for a port to windows too. I just don't want to commit it
to "trunk" yet because it's completely untested.

You could create a branch to play with in Subversion. If you do,
I recommend also using svnmerge... http://dellroad.org/svnmerge

Good Idea, but where would I place that branch?

I'll look at the rest of the issues later...
Is there a way to safely get this code in the main trunk? I don't mind (what about others?) if you need to work in the corner of the sandbox, but this seems like enhancement to the trunk rather than a revolutionary experiment...

That's OK with me, but since it's still "completely untested" it seems
like a branch may be better... but in any case, if there is some uncertainy, why not create a branch? Branches are essentially zero cost with Subversion,
even if it's only for a short while to get things "in order", etc.

How about testing it? :)

I believe that the changes shouldn't break jcheVM on platforms other than OSX/PPC, but if they don't work yet on OSX/PPC, that's fine. If that can't be done - if David can't do that, then maybe a sandbox is right, but at some point, it *has* to come back to the tree, which means that it doesn't break the existing code, and I think that if we can do that now in the trunk that's better.

We'd like to have a culture of "check in stuff that doesn't break others", but "commit early and often so others can see and work with what you are doing"


Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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