Hi Vic,

As usual, you ignore what is written in order to present material that is generally deemed incorrect or irrational.

Note that what I wrote was :

When you get the httpd binary, you just use it. You run it. The fact that there's GPL-ed code in there is *utterly irrelevant* because there is no hard source dependency to which you as the user are somehow bound. By "bound", I mean have to have it's license effect you if you make some modification to httpd. So in this sense, yes, it's like the OS.

If you'd like to explain how it's relevant that binary code under the GPL+Exception that gets included by gcc in the httpd binary for OSX creates some kind of binding source dependency for the user, please feel free.

If you wish to use this list for personal attacks and slander, please take it elsewhere.


On Dec 5, 2005, at 8:47 AM, netsql wrote:

Well maybe for you ethics.


Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
 The  fact
that there's GPL-ed code in there is *utterly irrelevant*    ...

Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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