On Dec 5, 2005, at 11:22 PM, Dalibor Topic wrote:

This is much different than having an explicit hard dependency on a
GPL+Exception codebase here, if our VMs would have

import org.gnu.classpath.Foo

or whatever.

I believe I see your point. I don't think it would be necessary for the
VMs to do that, per se, if we had an interface, which we could all
share/reimplement under a license of their choice. And here we are
back at real, technical issues. ;)

You are now going to subvert a legal thread on a technical list to a technical issue? :)

Maybe we had some miscommunication why you were so motivated on getting
an interface for class libraries hammered out. My plan was to go ahead
and just merge everything out there into a big coherent whole, while
letting people mix and match what they want on their own branches/ forks,
so I was pretty puzzled by the insistance to have an interface for the
class library first.

Yeah, because you're the Borg of the free java world :)

That's in general, the most boring area of the
whole runtime, so I don't think I was alone wondering what that was
good for, if we were going to merge everything together anyway in the
end ;)

Now I see how yet another VM interface would help make people who have
trouble with some licenses feel more comfortable, and isolated from them.
That makes a lot more sense. If the motivation has been presented that
way, I must have missed it, unfortunately, so I am sorry for that. ;(

I seem to have a knack for miscommunicating things. Can you imagine how bad this would be if English wasn't my first language?

In a way, it's pretty funny how this list gets regularly outbursts of
miscommunication, all around. As I told people last time around this
happened, maybe the project members need to talk more to each other off
list, as my impression is that the little interruptions would not
happen if people used the "unofficial" communication channels more, to
evaluate and elaborate on what they are doing and planning to do. That
would help cut down on the amount of "WTF???" posts.

Maybe, but the problem is that doesn't scale. (I wont' say anything about transparency as the purpose is for clarity, which I do think that 1:1 conversations help...) Anyone who has stayed with the thread this long and had the same confusion may also now understand.

Guilty as charged, though. ;(

I admire (or would if I had some sleep) your zeal in trying to use
this as an example to solve the problem, but I think you're tilting
at the wrong windmill here.

OK. Have some rest. I don't really think it is an actual problem any
more. Things are going OK as they are, afaict.

Either way, can we agree that we've made the Harmony community aware
of this, and bring over to the ASF legal discussion lists rather than

No longer necessary. Neither would it be relevant to this project, nor
would it be really interesting, as at the core, the licensing stuff is
only useful for obviously trivial setups, and it won't get us what we


Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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