I think allowing tests to be fully executable in Java (i.e. a
certified jvm) would be really tricky. Some black-magic to rename all
classes would be required, and testing some core functionality would
be really hard - think synchronization and threading.

But for most classes this is perfectly doable. Just rename everything
but some core classes (Object, String and a few more final ones) to be
in the test.* package. For example, java.util.ArrayList would be
test.java.util.ArrayList. I think this could work, most of the times,
and allow testing harmony classlib inside a jvm.

But then, the real advantage of doing this would be if we could
compare the results between a certified jvm and harmony and sport
mismatched results. I just can't see many bugs been caught by this
approach only.


On 1/16/06, Geir Magnusson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One thing that's popped up on the "Test suite layout" thread is the
> thought that we need to b0rk the canonical package and naming
> conventions for unit tests in order to be able to run things on the boot
> classpath of the VM.  I think this issue is important enough and
> fundamental enough to warrant it's own thread.
> First, do we really need to do this?  I thought that we (Tim and I) had
> informally discussed this at ApacheCon and came to some good conclusion
> where we were able to figure out a trick.
> Second, shouldn't we think about providing a test environment in which
> we can completely control the environment  - we can test the class
> library in a container that can be run in any VM so we have full control
> over security and other issues?
> Of course, I'd like both.  If we do have the "trick" that we talked
> about, then we can use canonical JUnit (or TestNG) naming and package
> conventions, which I think is important.
> geir

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