Hi Archie,

ucontext library

The ./configure script refuses to complete successfully if I don't put the ucontext.h header file,
in the following places: /usr/include and /usr/include/sys
Therefore, the ucontext library must be present.

The bad news is that the RedHat guys hasn't ported ucontext library to Cygwin.

The good one is that:

1. You call just one of the 4 ucontext library functions, and you call it
    in just one source file (stack.c)

2. I've found an example explaining how to port the ucontext library in Cygwin
    (Don't know if it works though)

zip problem
I downloaded the source code of zip-2.3 and,
at line 373 of zip.c, I got this:

#ifdef MACOS

> Looks like the pread(3) function is not working properly under Cygwin.
> This error occurs on line 373 of zip.c if you want to try to debug it
> (sorry, I'm Windows illiterate).

Yet, I can't find, in the Zip source files, the the pread( ) function that you told me about

Any suggestions?


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