IDEA does what I hoped Eclipse would do. I can run a Test (class), a single test method, or just tell it to run the whole folder. It walks package trees as well.


Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

Richard Liang wrote:
Hello Geir,

Ant script is good for build system. However, it's more simple/convenient for developers to run AllTests in Eclipse.

I didn't believe you, because selecting a folder (or selecting multiple tests) and having all tests run is such an obvious feature, it *had* to just work. So I went and tested it myself. Alas. You're right.

I wonder if it's some vestige of TDD extremos making a point. (I was reading on JUnit site about AllTests, and how "early adopters" (IOW, "users") of JUnit who grew up w/o AllTests thought they were nuts, but the authors Knew Better.)

Ok - so I'll keep using **/*/Test for the general build system, I guess, and anyone that happens to use Eclipse can throw in the AllTests hack for themselves...?

I don't remember what IDEA does... need to go check...


Richard Liang
China Software Development Lab, IBM

Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
I'm looking at doing a quick integration of test scripts so we can test from the top...

I notice that there are "AllTests" classes in luni, for example, that use the TestSuite approach.

Why use this mechanism if the intention is all tests anyway? Just curious. I can see using it for things like performance (maybe) or grouping important and interesting subsets, but I'm used to configuring ant to do an **/* and then it's just "drop in and go".


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