Tim Ellison wrote:
In Eclipse you can click on a project / package / source folder and say
"Run As > JUnit Test" -- it will run all the test cases found in there.

I tried that and it didn't - it gave me a dialog and let me choose from the tests in there. I couldn't make it do a multi-select. This may be PIBKAC on my part, so let me know.

However, AFAIK this is not true for other runners, like the
textui.TestRunner.  Also, as discussed (ad nauseam), if you want to
extend the framework you will need to gather the tests up and run them
in a decorated junit.framework.TestSuite.

Right (I think I mentioned that below) - and I think that makes sense if we wanted to have a perf target or something, but not needed for general stuff...



Richard Liang wrote:
Hello Geir,

Ant script is good for build system. However, it's more
simple/convenient for developers to run AllTests in Eclipse.

Richard Liang
China Software Development Lab, IBM

Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
I'm looking at doing a quick integration of test scripts so we can
test from the top...

I notice that there are "AllTests" classes in luni, for example, that
use the TestSuite approach.

Why use this mechanism if the intention is all tests anyway?  Just
curious.  I can see using it for things like performance (maybe) or
grouping important and interesting subsets, but I'm used to
configuring ant to do an   **/*Test.java and then it's just "drop in
and go".


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