> Note that I could create my own provider and test with it, but what I would
> really want is to test how my EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo works with
> AlgorithmParameters from real provider as well as how my other classes work
> with real implementations of crypto Engines.
> Thanks,
> Mikhail.

Hi Mikhail,
There are 'system' and 'unit' tests. Traditionally, unit tests are of
developer-level. Each unit test is intended to test just a limited
piece of functionality separately from other sub-systems (test for one
fucntion, test for one class, etc). Such tests must create a desired
environment over the testing fucntionality and run the scenario in the
predefined conditions. Unit tests usually able to cover all scenarios
(execution paths) for the tested parts of fucntionality.

What are you talking about looks like 'system' testing. Such tests
usually run on the real environment and test the most often scenarious
(the reduntant set, all scenarios usually cannot be covered). Such
testing is not concentrated on the particular fucntionality, but
covers the work of the whole system.
A sample is: "run some demo application on some particular platform,
with some particular providers installed and perform some operations".

I think currently we should focus on 'unit' test approach since it is
more applicable during the development (so my advise is to revert your
tests to install 'test' providers with the desired behavior as George
However we should think about 'system' scenarios which can be run on
the later stage and act as 'verification' of proper work of the entire

Anton Avtamonov,
Intel Middleware Products Division

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