Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

Lets discuss that here. :) I didn't mean to ignore you - but two mail machines were hard to follow. I'm ready to join them into one, and hopefully I'll stop dropping the ball :)

Ok, here are a snippet from the mail I sent you:

(Win32 partial implementation of JavaSound):

Installation is quite simple, just copy the following files to jre\lib\ext: dist/sound.jar, dist/vorbis-spi.jar and the following files to some directory in the dll path (e.g. jre\bin\default): dist/sound.dll

The ant build file will build the HJavaSound Java source code and the C source using Borland's CBuilderX. I know it's not pretty, using hard coded paths etc., but it was just a quick hack to simplify the build process. The source code for the SPI and player are included in the vorbis-spi and spiplayer directories, for which no build files are included. Hope you don't mind that I already chose to put implementation specific classes in the org.apache.harmony.sound.sampled package.

Ogg/Vorbis files should now play with "java -jar dist/spiplayer.jar <filename>".

The Vorbis SPI for JavaSound and the SpiPlayer itself are actually parts of my project J-Ogg (, which is already released under an Apache-style license (

Another issue with this is of course that the current VMs working with Harmony are not able to use Java 5 class files and implementing JavaSound for 1.4 and later extending it for Java 5 would be at least some unnecessary work. Are there any current plans for extending the VMs for Java 5 code?

Which code, and what were the terms of the NDA? The CLA is fairly lightwieght.

Good questions, I honestly don't know. Working as a Java developer, I now and then need to trace into the original source code or take a look or two at the API implementation to realize why something is not working as I expect. As far as I can remember, I have not done this with Sun's JavaSound implementation. I don't have the NDA anymore, or am at least not able to find it, having moved around several times the last ten years. For working on a JavaSound implementation, it is probably irrelevant anyway, as JavaSound was not introduced until Java 1.3 and ought not to be covered by any agreement in Sun's NDA.


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