[echo] on platform=Linux version=2.6.14-1.1656_FC4 arch=i386
[echo] with java home = /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-gcj- VM version = 4.0.2 20051125 (Red Hat 4.0.2-8) vendor = Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Alexey Petrenko wrote:

  [javac] 1. ERROR in
  [javac]  (at line 63)
  [javac]     encodedParams = (byte []) s.readUnshared();
  [javac]                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  [javac] The method readUnshared() is undefined for the type

What JVM do you use to run ant? It seems that there is no
ObjectInputStream.readUnshared method in your JVM...

Alexey A. Petrenko
Intel Middleware Products Division

Karan Singh

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